Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Now This is Comedy

There was a comedy show that I watched on Showtime when I was around 9 or 10 years old. It was a one man show of a guy named Steven Banks. The show was called Home Entertainment. This guy is a great comedian and an amazing musician. He managed to be funny without being dirty. For some reason, he basically fell off the face of the earth after this show, but at least we have this one. Until he decides to make a comeback, here are the videos of his show. You need to have about an hour available to watch all of these. Be sure to watch them in order.
Video 1 of 7:

Video 2 of 7:

Video 3 of 7:

Video 4 of 7:

Video 5 of 7:

Video 6 of 7:

Video 7 of 7:

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Friday, February 22, 2008


My dog is going insane!

So we decided to give our dog one of those toys that keeps them occupied and provides mental stimulation. We figured it would be perfect for our dog since she gets antsy and since she's really smart. Well, she might be a bit too smart. We have this blue thing that you can put treats into. We put some of her food into it. Then it takes a while for her to get the food out. She tried for a little while and got some of it out. Then, her answer was to cry, take this toy and throw it at me! She's pretty much saying, "you have opposable thumbs, YOU get it out!". Overall it's kind of funny. Whenever she finally gets all of the food out, she'll bring it over to me and place it in my lap, or on my leg. At that point she's pretty much saying, "fill er' up!". Long story short, I've decided that this is a good toy to keep her occupied, but it's not a good option to give to her if we want to keep her quiet. Speaking of interesting dog stories, my dad sent this today: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23291625/

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Time to vote

Okay, so today is the time to vote for the primaries...oops, I missed it. I feel kind of bad for not voting today. It would have been a bit difficult for me to get to the voting location, but I thought about ways that I could make it there. Then I realized, I know absolutely nothing about the people running. I could go and put in my votes, but they would be meaningless. This is actually quite a dilemma for me. I don't like to watch political debates or read about the people running. When I actually do it just makes me mad that these are my choices for who will run the country, and I can't help but be reminded how flawed our whole political system is. Okay, I don't want to rant. Maybe I'll try to do something about it some day if it really bothers me. Either that or I'll come to terms with it.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


I'm back?

Okay, so it's been a LOOONNNGG time since my last post. I was told recently that someone actually checks now and then to see if I put up new information. I was shocked that someone actually looks at my site. Well, mom, this is for you. I'll try to keep up with my postings again. Here's a great commercial against the tobacco industry. Not sure why, it just cracks me up:

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